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Frequently Asked Questions from the Young

We spend a lot of time working and talking with the youth.  Below are questions we are frequently asked. Feel free to submit a few more!

How have the Salesian Sisters made an impact in the world?

There are 14,000 Sisters working in almost 90 countries for the good of youth.  Our work for youth helps inasmuch as we are helping to create a beautiful and positive tomorrow.  We do what we do for the young; in fact, we have “bet” our lives – given them up in the hope that we can help to change young people, bring them closer to Christ, and thus effect change in the world.

Where was it founded? who?...why?
In Italy, in the 1800’s, St. John Bosco saw so many young people getting into trouble with the Law.  He saw a young boy being hanged beside his own father.  He decided that if that young person had had a good role model, he would not have been on the gallows that day.  So for all young people who are in need, the Salesians have always been there to be a support, to be a help.


What is your mission or what do you do?
We work with kids – mostly poor, inner-city kids, to give them hope and to form family with them, so they can see all that is good in the world and appreciate all God has given them, despite the hardships they endure.

What are some of the greatest achievements of your order?

Talking to cool kids!  Really, we have been a significant presence on the continent of Africa.  In fact, though, because we work with the poor, we have small achievements, mostly.  We work to bring them education, to bring them Christ, to bring them happiness.  These are the small works we do that achieve great ends!


Is your order cloistered?
Ahhh!  With all my talking?  I’d be kicked out right away!!!
No – we are an active order that goes out to meet the needs of the young…where they are.  Today, that means we are an active presence in the streets, as well as on myspace, facebook, and the net in general.  We are for youth, so we know about hip-hop, the top 20 countdown, and all that stuff…ipods, etc., so that by knowing and loving what the young love, they will come to know and love what we love: Christ!

What is required to enter into your order?

You must be an unmarried female between the ages of 18 and 35…totally in love with Christ and willing to sacrifice yourself for the young!

What is life like or what is a typical day to day schedule for you?

5:00 a.m.   Rising

5:30 a.m.   Half Hour Meditation

Morning Prayer (15 min.)

                Entrustment to Mary (5 min.)

                Mass (30 min.)

7:00 a.m.   Breakfast

7:30 a.m.   Outside with kids before school

                School Day

                (Lunch and recess with kids!)

                Afterschool Activities


                        -Mary’s Club

                        -Ecology Club

                        -Chess Club

                        -Music Lessons – Guitar/Drums

                        -TV Production Club

                        -Twirling Club

(Each Sister makes up her own according to what she already knows how to do)

5:30 p.m.   Prayer Before the Eucharist (5 min.)

Evening Prayer (15 min.)

                Rosary (15 min.)

                Reading (15 min.)

6:15  p.m.  Dinner

                Chores – feed dogs, cats, clean up from dinner.

                Play Time (Recreation)

                TV/Grade Papers


8:00  p.m.  The Superior gives a simple thought for the night

                Examination of Conscience (about 5 min. altogether)

10:00 p.m. or so – each one decides – bedtime!


What vows do you take?

Poverty – God is the greatest thing we possess

Chastity – God is our greatest love

Obedience – God speaks to us through our superiors

Do you have any particular prayer devotions/styles of prayer that may be unique to your order?

Our main devotions are to Jesus in the Eucharist and Mary.  We also have a deep regard for the Holy Father.  We have an entrustment to Mary and a Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament that are unique to us.  Each is only about five minutes, but these are the foundations of our life and our faith, so we have these prayers that other orders do not.  We also pray for the Holy Father every day in each of our communities!

What saints have come out of this order?

There are a ton!


St John Bosco priest (canonised: 1934)

St Joseph Cafasso priest (canonised:1947)

St Mary D. Mazzarello virgin FMA (canonised:1951)

St Dominic Savio youth (canonised:1954)

St Leonard Murialdo priest (canonised:1970)

St Louis Versiglia, bishop, Martyr (canonised:2000)

St Callistus Caravario, priest, Martyr (canonised:2000) 

St Louis Orione priest (canonised:2004)


BLESSEDS (116)  The Most Recent are Listed:  

Bl. Louis Guanella priest (beatified: 1964)

Bl. Michael Rua priest(1972)

Bl. Laura Vicuña youth (1988)

Bl. Philip Rinaldi priest(1990)        

Bl.Madeleine Morano virgin FMA (1994)

Bl. Joseph Kowalski priest (1999) 

,Bl. Franc. KeÅYy and 4 young men, martyrs (1999) 

Bl. Pius IX pope (2000)

Bl. Joseph Calasanz priest and 31 companions (2001)

Bl. Louis Variara priest (2002) 

Bl. Maria Romero Meneses virgin FMA (2002)

Bl. Artemides Zatti religious(2002)            

Bl. Augustus Czartoryski priest (2004)     

Bl. Eusebia Palomino virgin (2004)           

Bl. Alexandrina M. da Costa lay person (2004)

Bl. Albert Marvelli lay person (2004)

Bl. Bronislaw Markiewicz priest (2005)

Bl. Enrico Saiz Aparicio priest and 62 companions, martyrs (2007) 

Bl. Zeffirino Namuncurá. youth (2007)



Ven. Andrew Beltrami. priest

Reading of the Decretum super virtutibus on 5 December 1966.

Ven. Teresa Valsè Pantellini. virgin FMA

Reading of the Decretum super virtutibus on 12 July 1982. Vice postulator: Sr Giuliana Accornero. 

Ven. Dorothy Chopitea. lay woman

Reading of the Decretum super virtutibus on 9 June 1983. Vice postulator: Fr Victor Marco. 

Ven. Vincent Cimatti, priest

Reading of the Decretum super virtutibus on 21 December 1991. Vice postulator: Fr Gaetano Compri. 

Ven. Simon Srugi, religious

Reading of the Decretum super virtutibus on 2 April 1993

Ven. Rudolf Komorek, priest

Reading of the Decretum super virtutibus on 6 April 1995. Special grace under study. Vice Postulator: Fr Reinaldo Barbosa de Oliveira. 

Ven. Louis Olivares. Bishop

Reading of the Decretum super virtutibus on 20 December 2004.           >>

Ven. Margaret Occhiena lay woman (Italy). Reading of the Decretum super virtutibus on 23 October 2006



Awaiting examination of “Positio super vita et virtutibus” for: 

Maria Troncatti, FMA (Ecuador). Commenced 8 May 1997. Vice postulator: Sr Giuliana Accornero. Proposer: Bishop Gutierrez Gomez José Luis. Processing of miracle is under way.

Joseph Quadrio priest (Italy) Commenced 31 July 1997. Vice postulator: Fr Remo Bracchi. Proposer: p. Ols Daniel, O.P.

Laura Meozzi, FMA (Poland). Commenced 9 May 1999. Vice postulator: Sr Giuliana Accornero. Proposer Fr Fokcinski Hieronim, S.I.

Attilio Giordani, layman (Italy). Commenced 8 May 2001. Vice postulator: Fr Rino Germani. Proposer: Bishop Gutierrez Gomez José Luis.

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